Are You A Floral Designer Who's Ready To MAXIMIZE Profits & Create Beautiful Designs Your Customers Love?

Get the easy-to-follow online course that teaches florists the proven method to avoid over-buying and price with confidence by following the Flower Math Formulas.
Learn how to:
- Maximize Your Profit Margin On Flowers & Supplies
- Make Generating Cash A Simple and Clear Process
- Up Your Income
- Feel Confident Quoting Weddings & Pricing Everyday Arrangements
These pricing formulas are your roadmap to consistent profitability. Flower Math is the Florist's Guide To Pricing & Profitability!
Turning A Profit Allows You To Keep Doing The Work You Do Best,
because every floral designer deserves to get paid for their time and talent…
Does any of this sound familiar?
You're not tracking your numbers to make sure you maximize your profit--maybe you didn't learn the industry pricing formulas from a profitable florist.
You're pretty sure you know the industry standard formulas, but you (and your staff) overfill orders so you're not consistent in the value you provide to clients.
You feel "guilty" charging the full markup on flowers and supplies or you don't charge a design fee--which means you underprice.
Remember The Flower Math Motto:
It Doesn't Matter What You Charge If You Overbuy…
Setting a "spending goal" on events isn't a pathway to maximizing profits.
Working without floral recipes and over-filling orders means you're leaving money on the table with every arrangement you make!
Maximizing your profit margin on flowers & supplies is the ONLY way to maximize your income.
So if you're currently operating without a clear pricing formla to maximize the profit margin in your business, NOW is the time to take action to change that!
Flower Math was made for you! These formulas are your roadmap to profitability.

Hey, Floralpreneur® ! I’m Alison Ellis.
If this is your first time meeting me, I’m a floral designer, author and educator who teaches florists around the world how to increase their income and book clients more quickly with honest, actionable strategies and step-by-step courses.
I’ve been running my own home-studio floral design business for over 20 years and from day 1, I've always turned a profit in my business!
Thanks to my experience working in about 6 flower shops over the course of 9 years, I learned that every shop followed the same formulas! There was a whole lot about running a business I still had to learn, but how to bring money into my business was something I had a clear understand on.
It wasn't until I met other florists that I realized, these formulas that had been my path to profitability weren't as obvious to others.
That's when I decided to document the exact steps I follow to run my floral business so other florists could maximize their profitability, too.
And in 2015, Flower Math was born to help florists maximize their income so you can pay yourself more!
there are proven formulas and easy steps to follow to reach your profit goals!

When you run a business, it's your job to know your numbers so that you turn a profit!
You may be the most talented floral designer in your area...
But if you don’t track your profit margins, you could be doing a lot of work that doesn’t actually get you paid!... and that often leads to burnout.
Successful business owners know the golden rule is to Pay Yourself First!– because if you don't pay yourself, you have a hobby, not a business.
(And when you want to increase your income, your pricing method must allow you to give yourself a raise from time to time, too!)

When you follow the Flower Math Formulas, you'll be working with a profit goal, not a spending goal, so you can maximize the income in your business, and create beautiful designs your customers will love.
So let’s do this!
An Easy-To-Follow Online Course To Teach Floral Designs How To Maximize Profit Margins and Create Beautiful Designs Your Clients Will Love!
It's time to put the profit back into your business!
By the end of this training--which many florists take over the course of a few hours in an afternoon--you’ll have a clear understand of how to markup your flowers and supplies, how to create recipes and wholesale orders, AND avoid overbuying so that you can maximize your profit!
If you're ready to jump in, click below to get started!
Here’s What You’ll Get In The PROGRAM:
Easy To Follow Formulas To Price For Profit Including Real Wedding Sales & Recipes!
I've taken the industry standard formulas I use in my own businesses and distilled them into the basic formulas for markups on flowers and supplies, as well as labor & design fees, and then, I take you behind the scenes in my business to look at 6 REAL Wedding sales and profits to show you how I reach a 70% profit margin (or more) on every order so you can see the Flower Math Formulas in action. You'll get instant access to the course and the bonuses, plus lifetime access to any additions or updates to the course. Get the profit clarity you need today!

Flower Math Formulas: Markups and Design Fees
Flower Math video trainings walk you through the written lessons and explain ALL of the steps from markups to design fees to delivery charges to rentals to recipes and wholesale ordering, we cover it all so there's no confusion. If you've learned these formulas before it's a great review and refresher according to many florists.
Flower Shop Fundamentals: Every Business Needs A Model
Flower Math follows the flower shop model-whether you own a brick and mortar shop, a home-studio business or you're a farmer-florist who's branching out into design, you can adapt these formulas to work for your unique business needs and increase your markups and design fee as needed to grow along with your business.

Recipes & Ordering: How To Avoid Overbuying
I'll show you exactly how I create recipes and wholesale orders so that I avoid overbuying and maximize my profit.
Florists can keep more of the money they're already making simply by NOT over spending!
Real Weddings: Recipes, Invoices, Profits, & COGS
Come behind the scenes to look at the total sales and profit margins on 6 REAL Weddings--from Invoices to Recipes to a Full List of COGS and labor, see how I put the Flower Math Formulas to work in real life.
Learn to turn a profit by following a proven strategy that works!

Flower Math Students who follow the formulas reach their 70% profit goal AND feel confident in the value they provide to clients!
The ability to maximize your profits on every arrangement you make means that the Flower Math Formulas will be your most valuable tool for profit clarity.

How To Set Starting Prices
Pricing a proposal takes far less time when minimums are established for each item. Whether you itemize an initial quote for a client or simply offer a “lump sum total”, minimums allow you to price as needed to turn a profit without writing out recipes before you book the job. This downloadable pdf shows you exactly how I've set minimums and increased them over time. ($79 Value)

How To Create An Initial Quote
Check out this bonus video with a quick look behind the scenes at how I create an initial quote for a client without going over budget. You'll also get a template for "How To Present A Quote That's Over Budget" because sometimes that happens, too! ($100 Value)

Foam Free Arbor Mechanics
You’ll see the mechanics, the full floral recipe, and how much I charged for the design in this short video. It's been fun to experiment with foam free techniques over the years and I hope you enjoy this behind-the-scene look at how I do it. ($79 Value)

Wedding Week Prep: Week of A Wedding
How do you prep for a BIG wedding? This video shares a look at how I worked my way through the week of an $11,000 wedding. Get 25-minutes of how-tos that walk you through the entire week's prep and design schedule on a real wedding. ($199 Value)

Vision and Goal Setting Session (Video + Workbook)
Set your future goals in motion with this 1-hour training session and 12-page workbook to help you define your heartfelt goals for your business and your life! ($99 Value)

Lifetime Access To The Course Plus Updates
When you sign up for Flower Math you'll have access to the course for as long as it exists--which I plan to be a very long time! Plus you get any updates to the course as well for the lifetime of the course. ($599+ Value)
Get instant access to the training you need to price with confidence for just $499…

When you sign up for Flower Math, you'll get...
- Easy to Follow Formulas
- How To Add A Design Fee
- How To Create Recipes to Avoid Overbuying
- 6 Real Wedding Profits & Breakdown of COGS To See The Formulas in Real Life
- Access to Alison So You Can Ask Questions Anytime If You Need More Help
- And All The Bonus Content $1,056 Value
These are all real numbers--nothing in this course is hypothetical or theory.
Underpricing Could Be Costing You Thousands Per Year…
...or you can get the proven steps you need today for $499!

And in case you need an extra (loving) push to jOIN ME, here’s my satisfaction guarantee…

I am committed to providing tremendous value to the florists who enroll AND Flower Math has a money-back guarantee. If you do the work and don't get all the answers to your pricing questions, just get in touch and we'll hop on a call. If I still can't answer your pricing questions when we talk, you get your money back.
The florists who’ve completed Flower Math say that the value of the content far outweighs the cost. After signing up for the course you’ll see the benefits of increased profit margins on every order for as long as you run your business.
So let’s get you the training, support, and guidance you need to make you a happier, more profitable Floralpreneur®!
Absolutely! Iām in!Here’s What FloristS Say
After Taking Flower Math…

I am just beginning. Is this for me?
Absolutely! If you're designing flowers and selling them, Flower Math is made to show you exactly how to price for profit.
The truth is, even experienced florists have told me that they got a ton of value from the course! No matter where you are in your business, Flower Math teaches you the steps to maximize your profit margin.
Where is this training happening?
As soon as you sign up, you'll get instant access to an online course portal where you'll find both written lessons and video trainings so you can watch anytime.
Many florists have told me they've completed the entire course in 1 day and you can return to re-watch any time!
Will this help me?
If you're a floral designer who wants to maximize your profits I'm sharing the same strategies I used to build my business for over 20 years!
If you're just doing flowers as a hobby, however, Flower Math is not for's all about profitability!
What if I don't do weddings? Can I apply Flower Math to any order I make?
Yes! Any order you make can be designed following the industry standard pricing formulas you'll learn inside the course. Flower Math isn't just for weddings--but you do get recipes and pricing for 6 real weddings inside the course.
Is it worth the price to join?
Florists often say they make back the money on the purchase of the course in just 1 wedding or event!
If you're currently making less than 70% on the cost of flowers and supplies, Flower Math will pay for itself in no time!
Is there a money back guarantee?
Yes! If you take the course and don't feel more confident in your pricing and the value you provide to clients, reach out to me to schedule a 1:1 call to talk about your specific pricing questions and if I can't answer them, I'll give you a full refund.
If you made it this far, it’s time to make a decision.
As a florist myself, I understand what it's like to be reluctant to invest your business… even though these Flower Math Formulas will help you put your pricing insecurities to rest for good.
A program this powerful is going to change your business--just like the success stories from past Flower Math Students--but if you don't take action and sign up today, where will your business be 6 months to a year from now?
Once you enroll, you'll see that the investment you’re making today will pay off over and over again as you make money on every order you sell!....
Not to mention the power of restoring the enthusiasm, positivity, and excitement you had when you first opened your business! So why wait for profit clarity and pricing confidence? Start making more money in your business today!

Earnings Disclaimer: Becoming a florist is not a "get rich" scheme and neither is my Flower Math program. Professional floristry requires hard work, building upon professional design skills, developing relationships in the community, providing value to clients, and serving others with excellence and integrity. By following the industry standard formulas as taught in Flower Math, florists routinely attain 70% profit margins on the cost of flowers and supplies, however, your total profits will be based on what you spend "above and beyond" the cost of flowers and supplies. Makes sense, right? Rent, utilities, employee payroll...that all comes out of the profit you make on flowers, supplies, and services you sell. As stipulated by law, Fresh Event Design, LLC can not and does not make any guarantees about your ability to earn any money with your business--your results in life are up to you. Always remember the Flower Math motto: It doesn't matter what you charge, if you overbuy! We feel transparency is important, and we hold ourselves (and you) to an incredibly high standard of integrity. That's why you can always contact Alison with any questions. Thanks for being here. Keep doing beautiful work.