$237.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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Flower Math + Wedding Templates

What you'll get:

  • Flower Math ($1599 Value)
  • Proposals That Sell ($99)
  • Contract for Florists ($99)
  •  E-mail Templates Bundle ($58)
  • Wedding Workflow ($19)

PLUS you'll get my Business Plan Jumpstart to help you write a basic business plan in 1-hour for FREE!

What People Are Saying:

Alison Ellis taught me a better way to think about flowers, and I can’t ever go back. I am confident with my pricing, I don’t over order, and my clients respect me and my business. Flower Math is worth your time and money, do it!

-Kirsten, Bloom Magic Weddings

I'm a home-based florist in Dallas...with very little business skills/knowledge. I needed Flower Math in the worst way... and it was worth every penny. Not only is the content fantastic, but Alison present the lessons in a clear, easy-to-understand manner.

-Claire Rathburn Floral